Request an Administrative Review
If you have already submitted this form for the infraction notice you received, please do not submit another request.
Rest assured, requesting a review of your ticket is straightforward. You also may appeal a violation ticket with us up to 10 days before the court date. An appeal can be submitted online using the Admin Review form below, by email to or mail it to: Calgary Parking To speak with one of our representatives, please call: 403-537-7000. Admin ReviewIn order to verify a payment we only require the first 6 and last 4 digits of your credit card number; please do not provide your access code or expiry date information. If you are submitting a review on a membership/monthly contract/ParkPlus account: please ensure your licence plate is entered/activated correctly in your online account prior to submitting your review. NOTE: If the infraction notice number begins with a 4 or 5 or the information is handwritten, the notice may have been issued by a municipal agency other than the Calgary Parking Authority and may not be eligible for our online review system. Sample Parking TicketSample Photo Ticket![]() Sample Violation Ticket![]() |